Digital Marketing: Every Company Needs Digital Marketing NOW. Here is where to start

In today’s market, every company, both small and large, both local and national must have an online presence.
Digital Marketing can be overwhelming for business owners. You know your business and do it well. You’ve been doing it for years. You are an expert in your field.
But what about Digital Marketing? The future is Digital. Businesses today must have a strong digital Marketing Strategy or it will soon be a struggle. You want customers to find you easily on the Internet, or you will be left behind. Customers will not be able to find you.

Best Results Online is a Digital Marketing Agency that can help Grow Your Business.

Where Do You Shop?  Are you a typical customer?  When you want to find a product that you never bought before, you search the internet.  97% of consumers will do research online for a new product field.   Smart Phones, Tablets or Desktop Computers, you will go to Google or your favorite search engine and do your searches.  Being careful to choose words to zero in on the product you are looking for quickly.  If you do not find it, or enough choices, change your search terms and try again and again until you find the product or service you need.  Some people might even ask a friend for a recommendation, but 88% of people who got a GOOD recommendation from a friend, will  still go to the internet for more information on the company.  When you are checking out a specific company, you will also see their competition.  So you take a look. You are on the page anyway, just take a look.

You will look at the number of Stars they have, and look at some of the reviews.   What if the company your friend recommended has 20 reviews and a 3 STAR rating.  And the competition also has about  20 reviews and a 5 Star Rating.   At a glance, you know that about half the people who went to the store your friend recommended, were not satisfied.   With only a 3 star rating, they must have had some angry customers.  You will get into your car and drive directly to the company with the higher rating.  Now you get there and find their prices were higher than your friend told you she paid for the item.  Do you drive back to the other store??  A smart consumer (66%) will still buy from the company with the better rating.  Remember, about half the customers at the less expensive store were dissatisfied, with either the product or the service.  Why would you take a chance.  66% of people surveyed said they would shop at the more expensive store with the better ratings, even if the price was as much as  30% higher.

Certainly not the way you shopped 20 years ago or more.  Times have changed. Consumers have more tools available to make better shopping decisions.


How much business are you losing by not being on top of the new trends?  You must show up on the first few pages of Google, or you are missing out on business.
Studies show, 89% of all business is derived from the first 3 pages of Google.  Of those,  80% of the business is from page 1 on the major search engines.

The sad part is, people who are not in the first few pages of Google, have no idea how much they are losing!!  Having a Great DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY for your business, targeted properly will motivate customers to find you and not your competition online.   You also, won’t have to beg as much to find new customers, and beg for referrals.  New clients will be ready and willing to buy from you today

Reputation Marketing or Reputation Management

How many positive and negative reviews does your business have?

How many positive and negative reviews does your business have?
Positive Reviews are Great.  Negative Reviews are Bad.  And No Reviews are worse.  A business online needs at least 6-10 Positive Reviews over the last 6 months to be trusted by today’s consumer.

Consumers are reading reviews more and more to figure out which store to buy from.  Which store will win their purchase?  Search engines will display your good reviews, bad reviews and average them out to give you a score, or Star Rating.  The winner is the company with the most 5-Star Ratings

Call us today. We can help your company win the Star Game.  You will get more 5 star reviews than ever before and your cash register will reflect that.

Yelp says, a busy restaurant that increases its star rating by only 1/2 Star, will increase their sales up to 19% per year.  We can help.  Our system will increase your 5 Star Reviews and not let negative feedback get involved.  Let’s turn your negative reviews into a 5 Star Experience.

Watch the Videos on this page for more information!!  Then Call Us.